Berikut ini adalah video yang memberikan contoh percakapan singkat yang menggunakan beberapa jenis word types (adjective, adverb, verb , noun, pronoun, possessive, conjunction)
Mas Agung : "Hai..Good morning"
David : "Good morning"
Mas Agung : "What is your name??"
David : "My name is David, and you?"
Mas Agung : "My name is Agung, what are you doing in here?"
David : "I am waiting for Puguh, Puguh is my best friend, Puguh and I will do our home work together"
Mas Agung : "Oo..Oke, with Puguh??I know Puguh"
Puguh : "Hai my friend..I am sorry because I am late, I have ride my motorcycle so fast, but the traffic is very full"
David : "Puguh..You look so cool with your jacket"
Mas Agung : "No..It is not Puguh's jacket, it is mine"
Puguh : "Sorry David, I just borrowed this jacket from Mas Agung yesterday"
David : "Okay no problem, Puguh, where we will going to do our home work??"
Mas Agung : "If I can advise, how about the wifi corner??I also have a home work to do"
Puguh : "Okay..It is a great idea. How about you David?"
David : "Okay I agree, let's go to wifi corner"
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa word types yang digunakan dalam percakapan di atas.
- Possesive : your, my
- Adjective : best, great, cool
- Adverb : so fast
- Pronoun : I
- Verb : waiting, ride, borrowed, go
- Conjunction : And, but
- Noun : wifi corner, jacket, home work, motor cycle
Itulah sedikit contoh penggunaan word types yang bisa kami tampilkan, mohon maaf yang sebesar besarnya atas ketidaksempurnaan video yang dibuat, terima kasih banyak telah menyaksikan. Apabila ada saran dari teman teman bisa disampaikan pada kolom komentar di bawah. Terima kasih.
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